Our Skilled Hands are
at your Service

Here’s how we Bring your Vision to Life


We set out to discover our clients' needs at every stage of their business journey, from their problems, strengths, opportunities and competition. Some of our methods include in-depth discussions with our clients' reps through Voice calls, Video Calls or Face-to-Face meetings, and secondary research using varying tools ranging from social media to business directories and articles. While collecting all the information we need, we ask project-related questions, sometimes sending in a series of questions and most importantly, taking cognizance of their goals and objectives per each project.

Build Design Concepts

We create our design ideas from our primary and secondary research. In this process, we carry our client along and get approval for our proposed design.

Build a Plan

We consider all that we have discovered from the previous step, then we build up a plan. Our plans differ based on the diverse projects we handle. However, they are realistic, time-bound and unique to the clients' needs. At this stage, 80% upfront payment is made. 


The client reviews the proposed design and content. The number of reviews is based on the package and service a client opts for.


Once we have our final product, we send it to our client Via Email. At this stage, the outstanding 20% charge is paid.